Просветительские идеи и революционный процесс в Северной Америке - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Татьяна Алентьева, Мария Филимонова cтр.№ 171

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Antebellum American Culture: An Interpretive Anthology / ed. by D. B. Davis. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. 500 p.

Basic Readings in U. S. Democracy / ed. by M. I. Urofsky. Washington, DC: United States Information Agency, 1994. 430 p.

Boston under Military Rule (1768–1769): As Revealed in a Journal of the Times / ed.

O. M. Dickerson. Boston: Chapman & Grimes, 1936. 152 p.

Commentaries on the Constitution: Public and Private: 4 vols. / ed. M. Jensen. Madison: Wisconsin University Press, 1981–1986.

Documentary History of American Industrial Society: 10 vols. / ed. J. B. Commons. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1910–1911.

Documentary History of Negro People / ed. H. Aptheker. N. Y.: Citadel, 1960. 552 p.

Documentary Source Book of American History. 1606–1898 / ed. W. Macdonald. N. Y.: Macdonald Press, 1908.

Documents of American History / ed. H. S. Commager: 2 vols. N. Y.: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1935.

English Historical Documents. Vol. 9. American Colonial Documents to 1776 / ed.

M. Sensen. L.: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955.

Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry etc.: Vol. 1-11 / ed. F. Moore. N. Y., 1864–1869.

Secession Debated. Georgia’s Showdown in 1860 / ed. W. Freeling, C. M. Simpson. N. Y.: Oxford University Press USA, 1992. 192 p.

The Annals of America: 22 vols. / ed. M. J. Adler, Ch. Doren. L.: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1976.

The Causes of the Civil War / ed. K. Stampp. Englewood Cliffs: Touchstone, 1973. 256 p.

The Complete Anti-Federalist: 7 vols. / ed. H. J. Storing. Chicago — London: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

The Constitutional History of the United States. 1826–1876 / ed. H. C. Heckett. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1939.

The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution: 29 vols. / ed. M. Jensen e.a. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1976–2017.

The Founders’ Constitution: 5 vols. / ed. R. B. Kurland and R. Lerner. Chicago — London: The University of Chicago Press, 1987.

The Nullification Era. A Documentary Record / ed. W. W. Freeling. N. Y.: Harper and Row, 1967. 205 p.

The Popular Sources of Political Authority: Documents on the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 / ed. O. Handlin, M. Handlin. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966. 978 p.

The Revolution of the People: Thoughts and Documents on the Revolutionary Process in North America 1774–1776 / ed. Maria Gehrke. Gottingen: Universitatsverlag, 2006. 358 p.

The World’s Best Orations: 10 vols. St. Louis: Ferd. P. Kaiser, 1899–1901.

We the People: A Compilation of Historical Documents, Proclamations and Speeches of the United States of America: 2 vols. / ed. J. F. Gauss. Owatonna, Mn.: American Liberty Press, 2005.

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American Herald (Boston). 1787.

American Press Opinion from Washington to Coolidge: 3 vols. / ed. A. Nevins. Port Washington, 1972. (1st print: 1928).

Army Register. 1861.

Boston Gazette. 1765–1775.

Boston Evening Post. 1765–1774.

Boston Evening Transcript. 1833.

Charleston Courier. 1850.

Charleston Mercury. 1830–1860.

Cincinnati Daily Commercial. 1861

Columbian Centinel. 1814.

Connecticut Courant. 1787–1788.

De Bow’s Review. 1855–1857.

Democratic Review. 1838–1854.

Documents of Upheaval: Selections from William Lloyd Garrison’s «The Liberator». 1831–1865 / ed. T. Nelson. N. Y., 1966.

Federal Gazette and Baltimore Daily Advertiser. 1798.

Freeman’s Journal. 1787.

Gazette of the United States. 1798–1799.

Harper’s Weekly. 1857; 1862–1872.

Knoxville Whig. 1860–1861.

Liberator. 1831–1861.

Lynchburg Virginian. 1830.

Maryland Gazette. 1787–1788.

Maryland Journal (Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser). 1788.

Massachusetts Centinel. 1788.

Massachusetts Gazette. 1770–1787.

Massachusetts Spy. 1771.

Milwaukee Sentinel. 1861.

Montgomery Advertiser. 1850.

Natchez Free Trader. 1850.

National Era. 1857.

National Intelligencer. 1828–1851, 1858.

Norfolk and Portsmouth Register. 1788.

New England Magazine. 1832–1838.

New Englander. 1849–1853.

New Orleans Daily Picayune. 1859.

New York Courier and Enquirer. 1833–1854.

New York Daily Advertiser. 1787.

New York Dally Tribune. 1852–1860.

New York Evening Post. 1835–1861.

New York Journal. 1787–1788.

New York Spectator. 1835–1836.

New York Times. 1857–1876.

Niles’ Weekly Register. 1830–1835.

North American Review. 1830–1833.

Northampton Hampshire Gazette. 1788.

Pennsylvania Gazette. 1777.

Pennsylvania Herald. 1787.

Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser. 1787.

Pennsylvanian. 1850.

Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer. 1787.

Porcupine’s Gazette. 1799.

Providence Gazette; and Country Journal. 1775.

Raleigh Register. 1834.

Richmond Enquirer. 1831–1834.

Salem Gazette. (Mas.). 1838.

Salem Mercury. 1788.

Southern Editorials on Secession / ed. D. L. Dumond. Gloucester, 1964.

Southern Literary Messenger. 1848–1861.

Southern Quarterly Review. 1851.

Springfield (Mass.) Republican. 1860.

The Boston Chronicle. 1769.

The New Orleans Bee. 1860.

The New-York Gazette and Weekly Postboy. 1770.

The Pioneer. A Literary Magazine / ed. J. R. Lowell. N. Y., 1947.

The Sun. 1872.

The Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure… L.: Published… according to Act of Parliament, for John Hinton, 1753.

Virginia Gazette (Purdie and Dixon). 1766–1776.

Virginia Gazette (Rind). 1766–1768.

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