Просветительские идеи и революционный процесс в Северной Америке - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Татьяна Алентьева, Мария Филимонова cтр.№ 172

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Онлайн книга - Просветительские идеи и революционный процесс в Северной Америке | Автор книги - Татьяна Алентьева , Мария Филимонова

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Virginia Independent Chronicle. 1787–1788.

Washington Globe. 1831–1832.

Washington Republic. 1850.

Washington Union. 1850.

Whig Review. 1845–1850.

Материалы судебных процессов, комментарии к законодательству, завещания

Blackstone W. Commentaries on the Laws of England: 2 vols. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1893.

Coke E. The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning High Treason, and Other Pleas of the Crown. And Criminal Laws. L.: R. Brooke, Bell-Yard, near Temple-Bar, 1797. 287 p.

North Carolina Wills and Inventories / ed. J. B. Grimes. Heritage Books, 2013. 586 p.

Документы политических партий и общественных организаций

Public Documents: Containing Proceedings of the Hartford Convention of Delegates.

N. Y.: Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2010.

Republican Party Platforms, Republican Party Platform of 1856 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. — URL: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/273293.

Republican Party Platforms, Republican Party Platform of 1860 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. — URL: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/273296.

Памфлеты, публицистика, научные сочинения

«Свобода угнетать…» Писатели Англии о США. Художественная публицистика. М., 1966.

«Сделать прекрасным наш день.» Публицистика американского романтизма / под ред. А. Н. Николюкина. М.: Прогресс, 1990. 540 с.

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Диккенс Ч. Из американских заметок. М.: Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1949. 144 с.

Карлейль Т. Герои, почитание героев и героическое в истории. М.: Издательство: Астрель, 2012. 1024 с.

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Торо Г. Д. Высшие законы. М.: Изд-во «Республика», 2001. 412 с.

Франклин Б. О свободе и необходимости, наслаждении и страдании М.: ООО «Изд-во Э», 2016. 448 с.

Эмерсон Р. Нравственная философия. Мн.: Харвест — М.: Аст, 2000. 384 с.

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Adams J., [Leonard D.] Novanglus and Massachusettensis. N. Y.: Russel and Russel, 1968. 312 p.

Bentham J. A Fragment on Government / ed. J. H. Burns, H. L. A. Hart. Cambridge: University Press, 1988. 128 p.

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Burke E. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. 250 р.

Dickinson J., Lee R. H. Empire and Nation: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania; Letters from the Federal Farmer / ed. F. McDonald. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999. 173 p.

Fuller M. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. N. Y.: Dover Publications Inc., 1999. 132 p.

Gordon Th. Political Discourses on Tacitus and Sallust: Tyranny, Empire, War, and Corruption (1728–1744) I ed. D. M. Hart. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2013. 326 p.

Hildreth R. Banks, banking, and paper currencies. Boston: Whipple & Damrell, 1840. 209 p.

Hildreth R. Despotism in America: an inquiry into the nature, results, and legal basis of the slave-holding system in the United States. Boston: Whipple & Damrell, 1854. 186 p.

Hildreth R. Theory of morals an inquiry concerning the law of moral distinctions and the variations and contradictions of ethical codes. Boston: Whipple & Damrell, 1844. 302 p.

Hildreth R. Theory of politics; an inquiry into the foundations of governments and the causes and progress of political revolutions. Boston: Whipple & Damrell, 1853. 274 p.

Husband H. An Impartial Relation of the First and Causes of the Recent Differences in Public Affairs etc. [Newbern?], N. C., 1770.

Jackson J. Thoughts upon the Political Situation of the United States of America. Worchester, Mass., by I. Thomas, 1788.

Marshall J. A. American Bastille: A History of the Illegal Arrests and Imprisonment of American Citizens during the Late Civil War. N. Y.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. 692 p.

Otis J. Rights of British Colonies Asserted and Proved. L.: J. Almon, s.d. 120 p.

Paine Th. Six New Letters. Being Pieces on the Five Per Cent Duty Addressed to the Citizens of Rhode Island. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1939. 63 p.

Pamphlets of the American Revolution, 1750–1776: 2 vols. I ed. B. Bailyn. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1965.

Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, Published during Its Discussion by the People, 1787–1788 I ed. P. L. Ford. N. Y.: Da Capo Press, 1969. 451 p.

Parker T. The Rights of Man in America. N. Y. Palala Press, 2018. 540 p.

Ramsay D. An Address to the Freemen of South Carolina on the Subject of the Federal Constitution. Charleston, [1788]. 10 p.

Rush B. Observations Upon the Present Government of Pennsylvania: In Four Letters to the People of Pennsylvania. Phila.: Styner and Cist, in Second-Street, six doors above ArchStreet, 1777. 24 p.

Seabury S. Letters of a Westchester Farmer. 1774–1775. N. Y.: Da Capo Press, 1970. 162 p.

Slavery as It Is. Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses. N. Y., 1839. 224 p.

Stephens A. H. Constitutional View of the Late War between the States. Philadelphia, Pa.: National Publishing Company,1868.

The Government of Nature Delineated, or An Exact Picture of the New Federal Constitution. Carlisle, 1788. 32 p.

Thoreau H. D. A book of Quotations. N. Y.: Dover Publications Inc., 2000. 57p.

Thoreau H. D. Civil Disobediance and other Essays. N. Y.: Dover Publications Inc., 1993. 90 p.

Warren M. O. History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution: 2 vols. Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1988.

Webster N. Sketches of American Policy. Hartford: Hudson & Goodwin, 1785. 48 p.

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