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Онлайн книга - Основание. От самых начал до эпохи Тюдоров | Автор книги - Питер Акройд

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Thomas Charles. Celtic Britain. London, 1986.

Wood Michael. In Search of the Dark Ages. London, 1994.

Кровавый орел

Cavill Paul. Vikings. London, 2001.

Dark K. R. Civitas to Kingdom. London, 1994.

Davies Wendy. From the Vikings to the Normans. Oxford, 2003.

Faith Rosamond. The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship. London, 1997.

Foot P. G. and Wilson D. M. The Viking Achievement. London, 1970.

Hadley D. M. and Richards J. D. (eds.). Cultures in Contact. Turnhout, 2000.

Loyn H. R. The Vikings in Britain. London, 1977.

Sawyer P. H. The Age of the Vikings. London, 1971.

Smyth A. P. King Alfred the Great. Oxford, 1995.

Stafford Pauline. Unification and Conquest. London, 1989.

Whitelock Dorothy. The Beginnings of English Society. London, 1952.

Королевская мера

Poole A. L. From Domesday Book to Magna Carta. Oxford, 1955.

Harvey Barbara. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Oxford, 2001.

Wormald Patrick. The Making of English Law. Oxford, 1999.

Приход захватчиков

Barlow Frank. Edward the Confessor. London, 1979.

_________. The English Church, 1000–1066. London, 1979.

Brown R. A. The Normans and the Norman Conquest. London, 1969.

Clarke P. A. The English Nobility under Edward the Confessor. Oxford, 1994.

Fleming Robin. Kings and Lords in Conquest England. Cambridge, 1991.

Garmonsway G. M. Canute and his Empire. London, 1964.

Lawson M. K. Cnut. Stroud, 2004.

_________. The Battle of Hastings. Stroud, 2007.

Loyn H. R. Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest. London, 1962.

McLynn Frank. 1066. London, 1998.

Walker I. W. Harold. Stroud, 1997.

Williams Ann. Ethelred the Unready. London, 2003.

Дьяволы и нечестивцы

Barlow Frank. William Rufus. London, 1983.

Douglas D. C. The Norman Achievement. London, 1969.

_________. William the Conqueror. London, 1964.

Freeman E. A. A History of the Norman Conquest of England. Oxford, 1870–1879.

_________. The Reign of William Rufus. Oxford, 1882.

_________. William the Conqueror. London, 1898.

Green Judith. The Government of England under Henry I. Cambridge, 1986.

_________. The Aristocracy of Norman England. Cambridge, 1997.

_________. Henry I. Cambridge, 2006.

Hicks Carola (ed.). England in the Eleventh Century. Stamford, 1992.

Hollister C. W. Henry I. London, 2001.

Maitland F. W. Domesday Book and Beyond. Cambridge, 1897.

Mason Emma. William II. Stroud, 2005.

Rex Peter. Hereward. Stroud, 2005.

_________. The English Resistance. Stroud, 2006.

Rowley Trevor. The Norman Heritage. London, 1983.

Strickland Matthew (ed.). Anglo-Norman Warfare. Woodbridge, 1992.


Cox R. H. The Green Roads of England. London, 1914.

Gelling Margaret. Signposts to the Past. London, 1978.

Hoskins W. G. The Making of the English Landscape. London, 1955.

Jusserand J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1889.

Закон мертв

Appleby J. T. The Troubled Reign of King Stephen. London, 1969.

Brooke Z. N. The English Church and the Papacy. Cambridge, 1931.

Chibnall Marjorie. The Empress Matilda. Oxford, 1991.

Cronne H. A. The Reign of Stephen. London, 1970.

Crouch David. The Reign of King Stephen. London, 2000.

Matthew Donald. King Stephen. London, 2002.

Мятежный поп

Amt Emilie. The Accession of Henry II in England. Woodbridge, 1993.

Barber Richard. Henry Plantagenet. Ipswich, 1964.

Barlow Frank. Thomas Becket. London, 1986.

Bloch Marc. Feudal Society. London, 1961–1962.

Dark Sidney. St Thomas of Canterbury. London, 1927.

Grary H. L. English Field Systems. London, 1959.

Hall Hubert. Court Life under the Plantagenets. London, 1899.

Norgate Kate. England under the Angevin Kings. London, 1887.

Pain Nesta. The King and Becket. New York, 1964.

Roberts B. K. The Making of the English Village. London, 1987.

Salzman L. F. Henry II. London, 1917.

Vinogradoff Paul. The Growth of the Manor. London, 1904.

_________. Villainage in England. Oxford, 1927.

Warren W. L. Henry II. London, 1973.

Потерянная деревня

Beresford Maurice. The Lost Villages of England. London, 1969.

Oswald Alastair. Wharram Percy. York, 2004.

Великая хартия

Appleby J. T. England without Richard. Ithaca, 1965.

Brundage J. A. Richard Lionheart. New York, 1974.

Church S. D. (ed.). King John. Woodbridge, 1999.

Gillingham John. Richard the Lionheart. London, 1978.

Holt J. C. The Northerners. Oxford, 1961.

_________. Magna Carta. Cambridge, 1992.

Jolliffe J. E. A. Angevin Kingship. London, 1956.

Turner R. V. King John. Stroud, 2005.

Warren W. L. The Governance of Norman and Angevin England. London, 1987.

_________. King John. Berkeley, 1961.

Wilkinson Bertie. The High Middle Ages in England. Cambridge, 1978.

Преступление и наказание

Harding Alan. The Law Courts of Medieval England. London, 1973.

Musson Anthony. Medieval Law in Context. Manchester, 2001.

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