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Онлайн книга - Основание. От самых начал до эпохи Тюдоров | Автор книги - Питер Акройд

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_________ and Ormrod W. M. The Evolution of English Justice. London, 1999.

Salzman L. F. English Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1926.

Простой король

Burton Janet. Monastic and Religious Orders in Britain, 1000–1300. Cambridge, 1994.

Carpenter D. A. The Minority of Henry III. London, 1990.

_________. The Reign of Henry III. London, 1996.

_________. The Struggle for Mastery. London, 2003.

Clanchy M. T. From Memory to Written Record. Oxford, 1993.

Harding Alan. England in the Thirteenth Century. Cambridge, 1993.

Harvey Barbara. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Oxford, 2001.

Hennings M. A. England under Henry III. London, 1924.

Lloyd Simon. English Society and the Crusade. Oxford, 1988.

Maddicott J. R. Simon de Montfort. Cambridge, 1994.

Powicke F. M. King Henry and the Lord Edward. Oxford, 1947.

_________. The Thirteenth Century. Oxford, 1962.

Stacey Robert. Politics, Policy and Finance under Henry III. Oxford, 1987.

Сезонный календарь

Hutton Ronald. The Rise and Fall of Merry England. Oxford, 1994.

Postan M. M. The Medieval Economy and Society. London, 1972.

Powicke J. M. Medieval England. London, 1931.

Император Британии

Jenks Edward. Edward Plantagenet. London, 1902.

Knowles David. The Religious Orders in England, Volume One. Cambridge, 1948.

Morris J. E. The Welsh Wars of Edward I. Oxford, 1901.

Morris Marc. A Great and Terrible King. London, 2008.

Ormrod W. M. (ed.). England in the Fourteenth Century. Woodbridge, 1986.

Pasquet D. An Essay on the Origins of the House of Commons. Cambridge, 1925.

Plucknett T. F. T. Legislation of Edward I. Oxford, 1949.

Prestwich Michael. Politics and Finance under Edward I. London, 1972.

_________. The Three Edwards. London, 1980.

Salzman L. F. Edward I. London, 1968.

Stones E. L. G. Edward I. Oxford, 1968.

Wilkinson B. Studies in the Constitutional History of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Manchester, 1937.


Julius Anthony. Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England. Oxford, 2010.

Mundill R. R. England’s Jewish Solution. Cambridge, 1998.

Королевские фавориты

Davies J. C. The Baronial Opposition to Edward II. Cambridge, 1918.

Fryde Natalie. The Tyranny and Fall of Edward II. Cambridge, 1979.

Haines R. M. King Edward II. London, 2003.

Hamilton J. S. Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall. London, 1988.

Howell Margaret. Eleanor of Provence. Oxford, 1998.

Johnstone H. Edward of Carnarvon. Manchester, 1946.

Maddicott J. R. Simon de Montfort. Cambridge, 1994.

Raban Sandra. England under Edward I and Edward II. Oxford, 2000.

Tout T. F. The Place of the Reign of Edward II in English History. Manchester, 1936.

Рождение и смерть

Carey H. M. Courting Disaster, Astrology at the English Court and University in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1992.

Clay R. M. The Medieval Hospitals of England. London, 1909.

Finucane R. C. Miracles and Pilgrims. London, 1977.

Getz Faye. Medicine in the English Middle Ages. Princeton, 1998.

Hunt Tony. Popular Medicine in Thirteenth Century England. Woodbridge, 1990.

Rawcliffe Carole. Medicine and Society in Later Medieval England. Stroud, 1995.

Национальное самосознание

Carpenter D. A. The Reign of Edward III. London, 1996.

Edwards G. The Second Century of the English Parliament. Oxford, 1979.

Given-Wilson C. J. The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages. London, 1987.

Haines R. M. The Church and Politics in Fourteenth Century England. Cambridge, 1978.

Hewitt H. J. The Organisation of War under Edward III. Manchester, 1966.

Horrox Rosemary (ed.). The Black Death. Manchester, 1994.

Keen M. H. England in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1973.

McFarlane K. B. The Nobility of Later Medieval England. Oxford, 1973.

McKisack May. The Fourteenth Century. Oxford, 1959.

Mortimer Ian. The Perfect King. London, 2006.

Ormrod W. G. The Reign of Edward III. Stroud, 2000.

Prestwich Michael. Plantagenet England. Oxford, 2005.

Rubin Miri. The Hollow Crown. London, 2005.

Stubbs William. The Constitutional History of England. Oxford, 1874.

Waugh S. L. England in the Reign of Edward III. Cambridge, 1991.

Ночные школы

Aston Margaret. Lollards and Reformers. London, 1984.

Dahmus J. H. The Prosecution of John Wycliffe. New Haven, 1970.

Lambert M. D. Medieval Heresy. London, 1977.

McFarlane K. B. John Wycliffe and the Beginnings of English Nonconformity. London, 1952.

_________. Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights. Oxford, 1972.

Robson J. A. Wycliffe and the Oxford Schools. Cambridge, 1961.

Thomson J. A. F. The Later Lollards. Oxford, 1965.

Workman H. B. John Wycliffe. Oxford, 1926.


Allmand C. T. (ed.). War, Literature and Politics in the Late Middle Ages. Liverpool, 1976.

Bevan Bryan. King Richard II. London 1990.

Bird Ruth. The Turbulent London of Richard II. London, 1949.

Du Boulay F. R. H. and Barron C. M. (eds.). The Reign of Richard II. London, 1971.

Fletcher Christopher. Richard II. Oxford, 2008.

Fryde E. B. The Great Revolt of 1381. London, 1981.

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